2011年10月23日 星期日

Free Apple iPad - Fantasy or Fantastic

Discover how to avoid the scams and actually receive a Free iPad. Dozens of major companies are now using the Apple iPad as an incentive for you to complete surveys or to fill out a lead form.

Here are the details, never before revealed, step-by-step on how to get a Free Apple iPad.

Receiving a Free iPad sounds like a scam. But you need to understand how the game works if you really want a Free iPad. Let's define "free". Free means that you don't have to pay Apple for it.

Many large companies are using Apple's amazing iPad as a premium or incentive. Often, they will include the Free Apple iPad as hook to entice consumers to register for free offers or for free trials of their product. They have done the math to determine the value of a new customer. So to them, shipping a few thousand iPads is pennies compared to the opportunity to engage with potential customers.

You need to understand that as y ou visit sites like this: www.FreeiPadNow.net you will be asked to complete up to 8 offers. Now, before you panic, most of these offers are free trials of such things as free movies, free movie downloads, free software, etc. Sometimes, you will be asked to commit to a small purchase, possibly netflix or some other service that you probably will enjoy.

You will go through three rounds of offers. It's important to clear your cookies first, before you start the process. This will ensure that you get credit for each offer that you apply for.

After you have finished the process you will be asked to take a short survey.

If you have completed everything properly, you will receive your free iPad. Be paitent, it takes a month or so to receive it. Several people are completing these forms, getting their Apple iPad and then selling them for cash on eBay. This is perfectly legal to do. Just make sure that when you regis ter, you give real information, otherwise you are disqualified from receiving the iPad. You also must be 18 years old or older.

So, go enjoy the coolest gadget on the plane, the apple ipad. Here is a simple site to begin the registration process: Free iPad Now.


